Friday, April 29, 2011

nurse saya :)

salam ;)
hah..kali ni nak cite pasal macam mne si afifi ny boleh amek nursing lak padahal sebenarnye dia minat pasal multimedia gitu lah kan..hee
ok..ceritanye bermula begini pada suatu hari burung2 berkicauan..
arghhhhhh!!straight to the point la!hee..
camni sebenarnye yang minat bab2 nursing ny aq la..
minat terhadap bahagian perubatan ny mmg da semadi dengan jiwa aq
 ececehh =.=' hahaha poyo terlebih kuar dah..
semenjak aq dari kecik ag aq minat..first2 minat jadi doktor tapi aq pulak takut bab yang melibatkan darah..
tapi sume bnde aq nak tau sebenarnya pasal perubatan..
tp lepas result SPM kuar..
kan mnx macam2 kan2??
tu yang aq mnx pendapat ayah aq ok x kalau aq jai nurse ny..
aq ingatkan ayah aq tuh setuju tp hmm..
ayah kta ayah xsetuju
hancur harapan aq untuk menjadi seorang jururawat..
walaupun aq ny jenis penakut hee
aq sedih sgt time tuh..
aq hanya pk afifi saja tempat aq luahkan apa yang terbuku dalam hati ny..
aq cakap..

aq; ayg..cyg nak cgt jadi xbg..(dgn teresak2 aq menangis)
dia: la..kenapa pulak??(dgn nada yg panik)
aq: ayh kta cyg xsesuai..sbb krja tu penat..sibuk..dan macam2 lagi
tp cyg nak jugak saya dari dlu lagi nak jadi nurse tp..
dia: syg dah2 lah tu..jgn nangis lagi ea.
ayah nak yag terbaik utk cyg je..
cyg... kta biar ayg yg...amek course tuh...
aq; hah??xkan lah..ayg kan nak amek course multimedia..
xkan abg nursing pulak??
dia: xpe sekurang2nya ayg dpt smbung cita2 cyg :)
aq: ayg...(mkin lju tangisan aq time tuh)

aq betul2 terharu..
aq xsngka smpai begitu sekali syg dy pada aq..
aq xtrpk pn time tuh..
walau apa2 pn aq bahagia..
bahagia sgt dicintai oleh insan yang tulus mencintaiku..

sekarang dia amek course nursing tu dekat MSU..
haha sampai msuk paper tuh heee..bngge tau
alah sape xbngge an..hee
ok dah2 la tu nangis ok :)
ok nanti watiey ctew2 ag ea..
ce ctew2!!hee 

hee..siap tampal kat bilik tuh..haha
pelik kan aq ni..hee ngeh3!

ok bui..bui..sume. ;)
thns sudi baca blog kami ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

ktorang suke lirik lagu ni ;D_ monsoon by tokio hotel

I'm staring at a broken door
There's nothing left here anymore
My room is cold, it's making me insane
I've been waitin' here so long
Another moment seems to've come
I see the dark clouds comin' up again

Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world
Til' the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm
Into the blue
And when I lose myself I'll think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
Through the monsoon
Just me and you

A halfmoon fading from my sight
I see your vision in its light
But now it's gone and left me so alone
I know I have to find you now
Can hear your name,I don't know how
Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?

Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world
Til' the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm
Into the blue
And when I lose myself I'll think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you
Through the monsoon


I'm fighting all this power coming in my way
Let it take me straight to you,
I'll be running night and day
I'll be with you soon
Just me and you
We'll be there soon
So soon

Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world
Til' the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm
Into the blue
And when I lose myself I'll think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you
Through the monsoon
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
Through the monsoon
Just me and you


Monday, April 4, 2011


Saya rindukan dia sangat - sangat.... :'(